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康汉娜的春天(下2) (第3/5页)
;bout that bass, no treble 就像我喜愛與生俱來的豐滿身材,不會盲目追求苗條 I&039;m all &039;bout that bass, &039;bout that bass... 我就是胖胖的、擁有一副低沉嗓音的女孩子... Yeah it&039;s pretty clear, I ain&039;t no size 2 Yeah 顯而易見的,我絕對沒有纖細身材 But I can shake it, shake it like I&039;m supposed to do 但我依然可以搖擺,就像其他人一樣盡情搖擺身軀的每一部分 &039;Cause I got that boom boom that all the boys chase 因為我擁有所有男孩都夢寐以求的火辣節奏 All the right junk in all the right places 每一下舞動都恰到好處 I see the magazines working that Photoshop 眼見所有雜誌封面上刊登的美女,都有用Photoshop修飾過照片 We know that shit ain&039;t real 我們彼此心知肚明,這些全都是假的 Come on now, make it stop 夠了!讓這一切都停止 If you got beauty beauty just raise &039;em up 倘若你從心深處覺得自己美麗,那就展現出來啊! &039;Cause every inch of you is perfect 因為你身上的每一寸均是完美無瑕 From the bottom to the top 從頭到腳都是如此 Yeah, my momma she told me don&039;t worry about your size Yeah 媽咪她告訴我 不用擔心自己的身材 She says, boys they like a little more booty to hold at night 她說, "男孩子更喜歡在晚上抱著擁有翹臀的女孩" You know I won&039;t be no stick-figure, silicone Barbie doll 你深知我永遠都不會變成火柴人身形的女孩,就像那種矽膠做的芭比娃娃 So, if that&039;s what&039;s you&039;re into 所